

What is the quality of the plastic bottle

Category:Industry news   AddTime:2018-04-03   Click:835 次

  Plastic bottles usually have PA bottles, PP bottles, PPSU bottles and PES bottles.

  Because of the common characteristics of plastic milk bottle is light and resistant to fall, and the above four materials are safe without bisphenol A, to know which material is good, it can be compared through transparency, wear resistance, high temperature resistance, cleaning difficulty, replacement time, price and so on.

  PPSU and PA better than the glass bottle, the disadvantage of the plastic bottle is the poor transparency and easy to wear, the use of long time surface will be atomized, can not clearly observe the bottle of milk, and not easy to clean. However, with the progress of science and technology, the transparency and wearability of PPSU and PA bottles are comparable to that of glass bottles. PPSU generally shows a faint golden color, but it has high transparency and is not easy to wear. PA is a colorless transparent material, and the transparency is very good. PP material is showing a light milky white, permeability is relatively poor. The transparency of PES is between PP and PPSU.