

How to choose the baby bottle

Category:Industry news   AddTime:2018-04-03   Click:788 次

  The first thing for baby products is the bottle, but there are many kinds of newborns in the market, different shapes, and the design of the nipples. Many novice moms do not know how to choose. Below, we collate the neonatal bottle selection guide, recommend to you for reference.

  1.buying a bottle for a child must choose a shopping mall, a supermarket or a brand store.

  2. look at the transparency of the bottle. Generally, the good bottle has good diaphaneity. It can clearly see the volume and state of the milk.

  3. the hardness of the bottle is high, which can be felt by the kneading pinch of the parents. When the material is too soft, it will deform when it is hot.

  4. looking at the base of the nipple, a wide - caliber milk bottle is introduced in the market. The bottle is designed based on the mothers breasts. The soft and wide base of the base is similar to the mothers breast, and the baby sucks like the mothers breasts when sucking.

  5.The choice of the 5. nipple: the silicone nipple is more close to the mothers nipple than the rubber nipple. It is soft and hard, and can promote the secretion of the babys saliva. It helps the development of the upper and lower jaw and face muscles, and the children are easier to accept.

  6.The nipple with 6. round holes is suitable for a newborn baby. Milk can flow automatically and flow is less.

  7. safe and non-toxic plastic bottles are more suitable for babies than glass bottles. Glass bottles are fragile and easy to overheat. They are potentially dangerous to children.