

Milk powder and water temperature senior Mommy

Category:Industry news   AddTime:2018-04-03   Click:677 次

  Powdered milk is not a small thing. It is difficult to do it when you look at it.

  Many moms are always in a hurry to learn how to milk the milk. Every operation is compared with instructions. Especially in autumn and winter, how to grasp the water temperature has become a big problem. I wonder how other senior parents get the water that is suitable for temperature.

  Method 1: harmonization with experience

  "Blue blue mother": I washed milk powder completely experience, a pot of hot water, a pot of cold water, then you can adjust the temperature suitable for powdered milk. Theres no need for any skill, so much more.

  This method is not easy to master, and the novice Mommy will need to practice it again and again.

  In the initial stage, a professional bottle thermometer can be used as an auxiliary. There are two kinds of milk bottle thermometer: needle type and paper type, the former has high precision, but it must pay attention to cleaning before and after use; the latter is more convenient, although the precision is slightly poor, but it does not affect the use. Mommy can choose and buy according to the demand.

  Method two: be patient and wait for water to cool down

  I hear that hot water and cold water are not good for the body. I give baby powder all the water to cool down naturally. If the water temperature drops slowly, it shakes in the cup.

  This kind of Mommy is more about health, but it takes a lot of time. It needs to learn to take a rainy day, estimate the babys eating time and burn water ahead of time, otherwise the babys stomach will be protested!

  Method three: do it with a warm milk device

  It is sure to use a warm milkman for milk powder. You can set your own temperature long heat preservation. When you want to rush when you want it, you can put the baby into the heat and keep it in for a long time.

  It helps Mommy save the trouble of measuring water temperature and burning water again and again. It can keep the constant temperature for a long time, especially for warm milk for the baby in winter.

  However, to remind mummy, the best way to keep the milk powder in the milk warmer is not more than 2 hours. If you want to save more effort, mummy can also choose the milk blowout machine, automatically regulate the water temperature, automatically mix the water milk, and make a key to breast milk. You deserve it.