

The action of powdered milk is a pain in the baby

Category:Industry news   AddTime:2018-04-03   Click:708 次

  Half a month later, there are bloating, vomiting and stiff stomach. In the operation room, the doctor was stunned. The small babys small intestine, which was about 35 centimeters long, had been black and necrotic. If a little later, it could be life-threatening.

  What I never expected was that the reason why the baby was so bitter was that the parents added a spoonful of milk powder to each time.

  And, like this, parents are worried about the starving children, and the number of cases of intestinal necrosis caused by powdered milk is alarming. Of every 100 preterm babies, 5-10 will be offered.

  Novice parents wash milk powder, do not take it for granted, you know, a little trick you may be bitter baby.

  The 7 wrong operations below are not worth it!

  1, add one more scoop to the milk powder

  Some novice parents think that the milk powder is thicker, the baby can eat a little bit, every time the milk powder is added a spoonful, or a spoonful of milk powder pile up the mountain is so full.

  Development of the digestive system baby is still not perfect, if you drink the milk is too strong, will cause your babys digestive system osmotic imbalance, intestines outside the intestines to water penetration, gas expansion badly, may lead to necrotizing enterocolitis.

  Zheng Jie: add milk powder according to the instructions on the milk cans, and one spoon is a spoon, not a full scoop!

  2, deliberately flush the milk powder a little

  However, the old man said that it was not easy to digest the milk powder, and every time the milk powder was deliberately added more water and diluted it, would that be all right?

  Too much milk powder is too weak to cause protein deficiency, which will cause malnutrition in the long term.

  Positive solution: add milk powder according to the instructions on milk cans.

  3, first add milk powder and add water

  First add milk powder and add water. The actual amount of water will be less than that of the milk powder. When added to the original scale, the milk will be thicker. Moreover, milk powder and water are added first. Milk powder is easier to agglomerate and dissolve unevenly, which is not conducive to digestion.

  Add water first and add milk powder.

  4. Wash milk with mineral water or pure water

  The contents of all kinds of elements in the mineral water are basically designed for adults. If the baby drinks milk powder with mineral water for a long time, it will increase the burden of kidney, may cause indigestion, anorexia and constipation, hindering the absorption of milk nutrition, causing severe blood urine and increasing the wind of kidney stones. Risk.

  There is no trace element in pure water, and it is not suitable for powdered milk.

  The solution is to boil and cool with tap water.

  5, open water and put cool to feed

  It will make the whey protein in the milk powder clot, which is not conducive to the digestion and absorption of the baby, and the hot water will also destroy some heat unstable vitamins.

  The best temperature is about 40 degrees Celsius.

  6, shake the bottle or stir with a spoon

  After joining the milk powder, in order to quickly dissolve the milk powder even, some novice parents will shake the bottle, or just stir it with a spoon or chopsticks.

  However, doing so will cause lots of bubbles in the milk powder, and the baby will easily bloat and hiccup after drinking.

  Dont shake the bottle up and down. You should shake the bottle with the strength of your wrist, shake the bottle, or hold it in the hands of two hands. Knead the bottle in the horizontal direction.

  7, milk powder for half a day still drink

  He didnt want to get up and milk at night, so he washed the milk powder and put it in the milk warming device. When the baby wanted to eat it, it would be convenient and economical.

  The warm milk can not be stored for more than 2 hours at room temperature. The temperature of the milkman is higher than that of the normal temperature, and it is easier to deteriorate.

  If you have eaten your baby, you should throw it away. Of course, if its a waste, mother can drink it by herself, but drink it with her own cup, and dont drink the babys bottle directly.

  Zheng Jie: milk powder, or instant drink is good, nutrition and health.

  So, dont be a little more self willed. Just follow the instructions on the milk cans.